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Associate In Arts – A10100

Course Sequence

I. General Education Core : 31 or 32 Credit Hours
A. English Composition: 6 Credit Hours
The following two English composition courses are required
ENG 111* Writing and Inquiry 3 0 0 3
ENG 112* Writing & Research in the Discipline 3 0 0 3
B. Communications/Humanities/Fine Arts: 9 Credit Hours
Select three courses from at least two different disciplines:
ART 111* Art Appreciation 3 0 0 3
ART 114* Art History Survey I 3 0 0 3
ART 115* Art History Survey II 3 0 0 3
COM 231* Public Speaking 3 0 0 3
DRA 111** Theatre Appreciation 3 0 0 3
ENG 231* American Literature I 3 0 0 3
ENG 232* American Literature II 3 0 0 3
ENG 241* British Literature I 3 0 0 3
ENG 242* British Literature II 3 0 0 3
MUS 110* Music Appreciation 3 0 0 3
MUS 112* Introduction to Jazz 3 0 0 3
PHI 215* Philosophical Issues 3 0 0 3
PHI 240* Introduction to Ethics 3 0 0 3
C. Social and Behavioral Sciences: 9 Credit Hours
Select three courses from at least two different disciplines:
ECO 251* Principles of Microeconomics 3 0 0 3
ECO 252* Principles of Macroeconomics 3 0 0 3
HIS 111* World Civilization I 3 0 0 3
HIS 112* World Civilization II 3 0 0 3
HIS 131* American History I 3 0 0 3
HIS 132* American History II 3 0 0 3
POL 120* American Government 3 0 0 3
PSY 150* General Psychology 3 0 0 3
SOC 210* Introduction to Sociology 3 0 0 3
D. Natural Sciences: 4 Credit Hours
Select one course from the following (with accompanying laboratory work, if PHY 110 * is selected):
BIO 110* Principles of Biology 3 3 0 4
BIO 111* General Biology I 3 3 0 4
CHM 151* General Chemistry I 3 3 0 4
GEL 111* Geology 3 2 0 4
PHY 110* Conceptual Physics 3 0 0 3
PHY 110A* Conceptual Physics Lab 0 2 0 1
E. Mathematics: 3 or 4
Select one course from the following:
MAT 143* Quantitative Literacy 2 2 0 3
MAT 152* Statistical Methods I 3 2 0 4
MAT 171* Precalculus Algebra 3 2 0 4
II. Additional GENERAL EDUCATION HOURS: 13-14 Credit Hours
Select 13-14 semester hours of credit from the courses listed above or from the following list of general education and UGETC courses:
ART 117 ** Non-Western Art History 3
BIO 112* General Biology II 3 3 0 4
BIO 140** Environmental Biology 3 0 0 3
BIO 140A** Environmental Biology Lab 0 3 0 1
CHM 131 ** Introduction to Chemistry 3
CHM 131A ** Intro to Chemistry Lab 1
CHM 132 ** Organic and Biochemistry 4
CHM 152* General Chemistry II 3 3 0 4
CIS 110** Introduction to Computers 2 2 0 3
CIS 115** Intro to Prog. & Logic 2 3 0 3
DRA 112** Literature of the Theatre 3 0 0 3
DRA 126 ** Storytelling 3 0 0 3
ECO 151** Survey of Economics 3 0 0 3
ENG 261** World Literature I 3 0 0 3
ENG 262** World Literature II 3 0 0 3
HUM 115** Critical Thinking 3 0 0 3
HUM 120 *** Cultural Studies 3
HUM 122** Southern Culture 3 0 0 3
HUM 150** American Women\'s Studies 3 0 0 3
MAT 172* Precalculus Trigonometry 3 2 0 4
MAT 263* Brief Calculus 3 2 0 4
MAT 271 * Calculus I 4
MAT 272 * Calculus II 4
MAT 273 ** Calculus III 4
MUS 114 * Introduction to World Music 4
PHY 151* College Physics I 3 2 0 4
PHY 152* College Physics II 3 2 0 4
PHY 251 * General Physics I 4
PHY 252 * General Physics II 4
PSY 241** Developmental Psychology 3 0 0 3
PSY 281** Abnormal Psychology 3 0 0 3
SOC 213** Sociology of the Family 3 0 0 3
SOC 220** Social Problems 3 0 0 3
SOC 225 ** Social Diversity 3
SPA 111** Elementary Spanish I 3 0 0 3
SPA 112** Elementary Spanish II 3 0 0 3
SPA 211** Intermediate Spanish I 3 0 0 3
SPA 212** Intermediate Spanish II 3 0 0 3
The following course is required:
ACA 122*** College Transfer Success 0 2 0 1
Select an additional 14 semester hours of credit from the courses listed above or from the following list of Premajor/Electives:
ACC 120 *** Principles of Financial Accounting 3
ACC 121 *** Principles of Managerial Accounting 4
ART 113 ***Art Methods & Materials 4
ART 122 *** Three-Dimensional Design 3
ART 131 *** Drawing I 3
ART 132 *** Drawing II 3
ART 135 *** Figure Drawing I 3
ART 215 *** Visual Art Portfolio 3
ART 240 *** Painting I 3
ART 241 *** Painting II 3
ART 264 *** Digital Photography I 3
ART 275 *** Introduction to Graphic Design 3
ART 281*** Sculpture I 3
BIO 155 *** Nutrition 3
BIO 163 *** Basic Anatomy & Physiology 5
BIO 168 *** Anatomy & Physiology I 4
BIO 169 *** Anatomy & Physiology II 4
BIO 175 *** General Microbiology 3
BIO 271 *** Pathophysiology 3
BIO 275 *** Microbiology 4
BUS 110 *** Introduction to Business 3
BUS 115 *** Business Law I 3
BUS 137 *** Principles of Management 3
CHM 130 *** Gen, Org, & Biochemistry 3
CHM 130A *** Gen, Org, & Biochem Lab 1
CHM 251 *** Organic Chemistry I 4
CHM 252 *** Organic Chemistry II 4
CJC 111 *** Intro. to Criminal Justice 3
CJC 113 *** Juvenile Justice 3
CJC 121 *** Law Enforcement Operations 3
CJC 141 *** Corrections 3
CJC 212 *** Ethics & Community Relations 3
CSC 134*** C++ Programming 3
CSC 139 *** Visual BASIC Programming 3
CSC 151*** JAVA Programming 3
CTS 115 *** Info Sys Business Concepts 3
DRA 130 *** Acting I 3
DRA 131 *** Acting II 3
DRA 145 *** Stage Make-Up 2
DRA 170 *** Play Production I 3
DRA 171 *** Play Production II 3
DRA 230 *** Acting III 3
EDU 131 *** Child, Family and Community 3
EDU 144 *** Child Development I 3
EDU 145 *** Child Development II 3
EDU 216 *** Foundations of Education 3
EDU 221 *** Children with Exceptionalities 3
ENG 125 *** Creative Writing 3
ENG 275 *** Science Fiction 3
HEA 110 *** Personal Health/Wellness 3
HEA 112 *** First Aid and CPR 2
HIS 221 *** African-American History 3
HIS 236 *** North Carolina History 3
HSE 110 *** Intro to Human Services 3
MUS 133 *** Band I 1
MUS 134 *** Band II 1
MUS 141 *** Ensemble I 1
MUS 142 *** Ensemble II 1
MUS 233 *** Band III 1
MUS 234 *** Band IV 1
PED 110 *** Fit & Well for Life 2
PED 142 *** Lifetime Sports 1
SOC 242 *** Sociology of Deviance 3
SOC 244 *** Sociology of Death & Dying 3
Curriculum Program of Study Course Sequence Key
* Universal General Education Transfer Component (UGETC) Courses
** General Education Courses
*** Premajor/Elective Courses