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Department of Human Resources

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VGCC is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

Overview of Benefits for Full Time Employees

VGCC provides a comprehensive benefits package with insurance options and retirement benefits. The links below will provide a summary of those benefits.

North Carolina State Health Plan
This Plan offers three Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plans. PPO plans offer the freedom of choice among in-network providers, lower out-of-pocket costs and a strong emphasis on preventive health.
NC – State Health Plan

NC Retirement System for Public Employees
Here you’ll find resources and tools to help you determine what actions to take to address your short-term and long-term financial and retirement planning needs.
NC – Retirement System

NC Supplemental Retirement Plans — 401(k)
Saving for retirement is an important step toward a more financially secure future. VGCC offers a 401(k) plan as a supplemental retirement savings option available to you through the Department of State Treasurer. When combined with the pension plan and Social Security, the NC Supplemental Retirement Plans offer a total retirement package.
My NC Retirement.Com

Pierce Group Benefits
These products are voluntary, employee-paid benefits. Eligible employees have the opportunity to select the programs in which they wish to participate. The college also offers $10,000 of term life insurance for full-time employees at no additional cost to the employee.
Vance-Granville Community College Employee Benefits Plan (pdf)

2024-2025 Supplemental Insurance Benefits

Vance-Granville EE Benefit Guide 24-25

VGCC Tuition Benefit
VGCC tuition and fees are waived for dependent children of full-time employees. Employees interested in taking advantage of this benefit should contact Human Resources to obtain the forms. Completed forms must be submitted to the Financial Aid Office to qualify.

North Carolina State Employee Credit Union
State Employees’ Credit Union is a member-owned, not-for-profit cooperative. Membership is limited to persons who meet the eligibility requirements.

Sick Leave
Amount earned: A full-time employee who is working or on paid leave for one-half or more of the regular scheduled workdays in any month earns sick leave. Full-time employees working less than 40 hours per week will earn leave on a prorated basis.

Schedule of Sick Leave Earned

Hours Earned Each Month Hours Earned in 12 Months
8 Hours 96 Hours (12 days)

Annual Leave Amount earned: A full-time employee who is working or on paid leave for one-half or more of the regular scheduled workdays in any month earns annual leave. The rate at which leave is earned is based on the length of aggregate service. Aggregate service shall include on a month-to-month basis all full-time employment with the State whether such service was exempt from or subject to the Personnel Act. Credit shall be given for any State or local agency covered by one of the State Retirement Systems.

Years of Total State Service Hours Granted Each Month Hours Granted Each Year Days Granted Each Year
Less than 5 years 9 hrs. 20 mins. 112 14
5 but less than 10 years 11 hrs. 20 mins 136 17
10 but less than 15 years 13 hrs. 20 mins. 160 20
15 but less than 20 years 15 hrs. 20 mins. 184 23
20 years or more 17 hrs. 20 mins. 208 26

Longevity Pay
Longevity pay is to recognize long-term State service. An eligible employee who has at least ten (10) years of total State service shall receive a lump sum payment annually. Annual longevity pay amounts are based on the length of total State service and a percentage of the employee’s annual rate of base pay on the date of eligibility. Longevity pay amounts are computed by multiplying the employee’s base pay rate by the appropriate percentage from the following table:

Years of Total State Service Longevity Pay Rate
10 but less than 15 years 1.50 percent
15 but less than 20 years 2.25 percent
20 but less than 25 years 3.25 percent
25 or more years 4.50 percent

The Henderson Family YMCA offers VGCC employees a discount off monthly dues, if paid through payroll deduction.  Please see a member of the YMCA Member Services staff about this discount.

MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3440