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Self-Supporting Programs

Section 4.F – Self-Supporting Programs

Vance-Granville Community College permits the offering of self-supporting classes for which each student is required to pay a pro-rated share of the class cost. It is the intent of the College to keep student charges as low as possible. These courses may be continuing education or curriculum courses that are not approved for offering through the use of state funds. Self-support course offerings must follow the same program guidelines and accounting procedures that govern budget Full-time Equivalent (FTE) course offerings with regard to the College Accountability and Integrity Policy, course approval, student registrations, collection of fees, attendance, and Institutional Class Report (ICR) reporting. Indirect costs for courses shall not exceed 25% of the direct costs of the course. Excess funds will be used for the benefit of students and program development. All expenditures must be consistent with the College’s mission and guidelines of the North Carolina Community College System. The VGCC Board of Trustees will review this policy at least once every three years.

(approved September 18, 2023)


Each student is required to pay a registration fee for a self-supporting class along with any other appropriate fees. Registration fees will be established to cover the direct and indirect costs of course. Courses offered as self-support do not earn budget FTE.

Vance-Granville Community College will use the following guidelines recommended by the NC Community College System for determining direct and indirect costs:

Direct Costs

The following items are identified as direct costs:

  1. Instructor(s) salary including FICA, travel, course development costs,
  2. Instructional supplies and materials,
  3. Rental of building,
  4. Advertising, printing, postage, and mailing,
  5. Equipment,
  6. Refreshments, and
  7. Administrative or clerical costs.

Indirect Costs

Indirect Costs are the cost for activities supporting the offering of classes but cannot be directly and exclusively assigned to a class or the self-supporting program.

Examples of indirect cost include:

  1. Utilities, custodial and security services
  2. Coordination, administration, or clerical salaries and fringe benefits

Indirect costs will be calculated at an amount not to exceed 25% of the estimated direct costs. (Example: Direct cost=$50. Then course cost per student would be calculated at a maximum of $50 x 1.25 =$62.50)

Use of Excessive Funds

If receipts collected through fees authorized by 1E SBCCC 600.3, 1E SBCCC 700.5, 1E SBCCC 700.6, and 1H SBCCC 300.1(g) exceed expenditures on authorized purposes, the following provisions apply:

  1. Excess receipts shall only be used for one or more of the following purposes: instruction, student retention and success, student financial aid (e.g. scholarships, grants, and loans), student refunds, student activities, curriculum development, program improvement, professional development, promotional giveaway items, instructional equipment, and capital improvements and acquisition of real property.
  2. Excess receipts shall not be used for any of the following purposes: supplemental compensation or benefits of any personnel, administrative costs, entertainment expenses, and fundraising expenses