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Reporting Fees

Section 6.Q – Overhead Receipts, Indirect Cost Allowances, and Other Reporting Fees

The Board of Trustees will provide for an indirect cost rate agreement (approved by the Division of Cost Allocation within the Department of Health and Human Services) to be used by the College to charge federal agencies for administrative and facility costs associated with conducting federal programs. The College will submit an application every two years to obtain a current indirect cost rate agreement. This application may be submitted by designated College personnel or by an outsourced contractor.

The allowable use of earned indirect cost reimbursement funds is set out in Section 4 of the NCCCS Accounting Procedures Manual. All amounts earned by a College as overhead receipts, indirect cost allowances subject to OMB circulars, reporting fees or other similar items shall be divided into unrestricted and restricted portions. The unrestricted portion is calculated to be twenty-five percent (25%) of the total amount received each year. This unrestricted portion may be used for purposes directly benefiting students, and for the costs associated with the “Single Audit Act”, as billed by the State Auditor. The restricted portion is calculated to be seventy-five percent (75%) of the total amount received each year. This restricted portion may be used for the following:

  1. Publications containing financial aid and other student services information.
  2. College Work-Study matching or continuation of the College Work-Study Program after regular funds have been exhausted
  3. Salaries and related fringe benefits in financial aid, business office, grants administration or student services, which are necessitated by grants earning overhead receipts. (Supplements to regular salaries are not permitted.)
  4. Supplies and materials for use in either the financial aid office, business office, grant administration or student services which are related to the grants providing overhead receipts.
  5. Travel of persons in the financial aid office, student services or others who are responsible for administration of grants providing overhead receipts.
  6. Membership dues or fees paid to financial aid and student services associations.
  7. Service fees paid to billing and collection services.

Requests to spend the restricted portion of overhead receipts for any purpose not listed above must be submitted in writing by the Vice-President of Finance and Operations to the North Carolina Community College System.

(approved July 16, 2018)