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Accountability and Integrity

Section 4.E – Accountability and Integrity Policy and Plan (2023-2026)

Accountability within the NC Community College Workforce Continuing Education areas encompasses a broad range of concepts including governance, institutional values, programs, industry sectors and community partners. NC Community Colleges are mandated through the State Board of Community College Code (1B SBCCC 400.98, 1D SBCCC 300.4)) to review the programs provided to ensure that occupational training is relevant to the workforce, responsive to training needs and is responsible for state funds.

In addition to SBCCC requirements, colleges are responsible to a number of external agencies to document their programs quality and improvement processes. This includes the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), state credentialing agencies, and various grant entities among others. The following document is the Accountability and Integrity Plan for Vance-Granville Community College’s Division of College and Career Readiness and includes the goals and objectives developed to ensure accountability and integrity. The plan has been adopted based on a state-wide accountability model in which all NC community colleges have had some input or representation. This local plan will be monitored and reviewed at least twice per year and as needed by a College and Career Readiness internal team and reviewed for approval every three (3) years by the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees. This plan replaces the college’s former Accountability and Credibility plan. The document supports accountability consistent with internal control processes and best business practices while demonstrating compliance measures for state budget reporting. The accountability and integrity planning framework provided in this plan encompasses three primary areas:

  1. Governance Priorities – activities that ensure credibility, establish equitable provision of services, and assure appropriate actions by staff
  2. Academic Integrity/Program Accountability – activities that ensure program quality, integrity, and relevance
  3. Market Forces – activities that align industry and workforce interests with institutional actions

The plan reflects the college’s ongoing effort to:

  1. Review programs for relevancy, rigor, and quality
  2. Develop goals for growth and sustainability
  3. Ensure state budget compliance
  4. Respond to demands to align programs with a broad array of governing requirements and industry needs

For each area, goals and objectives are outlined that support the mission of NC Community College System as well as the mission and vision Vance-Granville Community College. Objectives for the Vance-Granville Accountability & Integrity Plan 2023-2026.

This document lists objectives adopted for College and Career Readiness accountability and integrity planning for January 2023- December 2026; additional objectives will be added and assessed as we determine and develop accountability measures and processes.

Governance Priorities

Goal 1: Demonstrate accountability and integrity of operational functions.

The responsibility of ensuring division operations is efficient in terms of resources and effective in terms of meeting requirements.


  1. Create standardized reports supporting reporting requirements.
  2. Develop standard reports utilizing business intelligence tools (Power BI and Informer) to monitor and manage program integrity
  3. Class visitation will be performed of 25% on-campus classes and 50% off-campus classes to include online classes.

Goal 2: Demonstrate operational accountability for data reported for state budget.

The responsibility of meeting NC General Statues and NC State Board of Community College Code relevant to hours reported for state budget resources.


  1. Respond to any coaching concerns documented in biennial review of records.
  2. Ensure state budget compliance in relationship to employee positions paid from federal funds by managing, reviewing and submitting Time and Effort Reporting.
  3. Implement and maintain sound Budget Monitoring practices.

Goal 3: Demonstrate accountability to performance measures aligned with state and federal agencies.

The responsibility of meeting performance benchmarks as defined by state or federal agencies.


  1. Pass all external credentialing agency audits and program assessments.
  2. Successfully meet expectations defined within the College & Career Readiness monitoring visit.
  3. Successfully meet all 13 federally required program practices for College & Career Readiness Programs (known as 13 WIOA considerations).
  4. Meet or Exceed NCCCS Performance Measures in Licensure and Certification Passing Rates (NCCCS Performance Measures).

Academic Interest

Goal 1: Students will meet specific course criteria to attain relevant license, credential or demonstrate course completion requirements.

Responsibility to align and demonstrate student-learning outcomes as defined in college documents to actual student learning culminating in demonstration of competency and/or attainment of licensure or credential.


  1. Students will successfully demonstrate the skills required to show proficiency within the course outline.
  2. Students will successfully meet or exceed the North Carolina Performance Indicator, Measurable Skills Gain Target for College and Career Readiness (NCCCS CCR Content Standards).

Goal 2: Instructional programs will demonstrate relevancy, rigor, viability and student success.

Responsibility to provide quality training that is relevant to student learning and workforce needs.


Align program outcomes to student workforce success.

Goal 3: Faculty qualifications will support program relevancy and student success

Responsibility to ensure that faculty are appropriately qualified (experience, credentials, licensure, etc.) to deliver relevant, quality training


  1. Faculty will hold appropriate credentials for licensure programs.
  2. Faculty will hold appropriate qualifications for credential programs.

Market Forces

Goal 1: Demonstrate development or enhancement of engagement with workforce and economic development entities to leverage resources and strengths.

Responsibility to ensure that education/workforce partners collaborate to identify strategic solutions for current and future workforce needs.


Ensure Workforce Development Board, Economic Development groups and industry partners active participation on college advisory boards.

Goal 2: Demonstrate proactive and reactive response to industry training needs.

Responsibility to develop workforce training programs based on industry standards and documented business needs.


Develop training programs in response to specific businesses or industry sector needs.

Goal 3: Demonstrate development of a quality NC workforce prepared to succeed in employment.

Responsibility to develop workforce employability programs to support development of NC talent pool.


  1. Develop training programs that provide pathways to careers and stackable credentials that result in an employable workforce.
  2. Collaborate with NC Works Career Center to leverage resources impacting student access to quality jobs.

Accountability & Integrity Planning for College & Career Readiness
Vance-Granville Community College
Accountability & Integrity Team

Program Members

  • Elisa Rodwell – Director, Occupational Extension
  • Kimmora Brown – Director, College and Career Readiness
  • Tim Bates – Coordinator, Prison Programs
  • Joe Ann Mason – Coordinator, Human Resource Development
  • Blondelle Edgerton – Director, WIOA

Standing Members

  • Angela Simmons – Dean of Workforce Readiness, Health & Public Safety
  • Kathy Ktul – Registrar

Team Member

The internal team membership for accountability and integrity planning will rotate program representatives every three years; The internal accountability specialist is a standing member. Other standing members will remain on team or may designate a representative to participate when unavailable. Team meets twice per year during fall and spring terms.

Team Purpose

Program and administrative representation will contribute to the development of the division’s accountability and integrity planning and processes by:

  1. Providing guidance based on constructive planning and assessment practices among programs.
  2. Recognizing, identifying, and developing internal division or campus-wide measures that support goals and objectives of the NCCCS Accountability and Integrity Planning document.
  3. Suggesting improvements to support best business practices for integrity with operations and practices.

Development and Implementation Timeline 2023-2026

  1. Accountability and Integrity Program Members Meetings: Spring and Fall, 2023-2024
  2. Review selected objectives for input, updates, and improvements: Spring and Fall, 2023-2024.
  3. Revise or strengthen Accountability and Integrity Plan, as needed, based on feedback, input, and shared best practices: Spring and Fall, 2023 – 2024.
  4. Provide updated Accountability and Integrity Plan to VGCC Administration: September, 2023.
  5. Provide a copy to the Vance-Granville Community College Board of Trustees for review and approval: September 2023.
  6. Provide copy to NCCCS: Spring, 2024.
  7. Implement official, three-year approved Accountability and Integrity Plan: Spring 2023 – Fall 2026.

(approved September 18, 2023)