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Academic Grievance

Section 4.G – Academic Grievance

Students have the right to request a review of their academic standing with their instructor at any time during or immediately following the semester/or course in which they are enrolled. If in the event a student has a disagreement regarding their grades, or an instructor, the student may request a review of the facts around their complaint.

Academic grievances include, but are not limited to the application of attendance policies, grades, classroom/lab or clinical/shop conduct, and admission to or dismissal from a class or program. Students should initiate the grievance process as soon as a concern develops rather than waiting until the end of the term, as some relevant faculty or staff may not be available between terms.

Grade appeals must be on file no later than 10 business days (business days exclude weekends and holidays) from the initial date of the incident or grade award. Appeals related to dismissal from a course or program must be on file no later than 5 working days from the dismissal date. A student having an academic issue must discuss the problem in a calm and sincere manner. Most problems are resolved at the instructor level; however, the grievance process should proceed as outlined in the following procedure.

All grievance documentation will be maintained by the Office of the Vice President of Learning, Student Engagement and Success.

(approved May 20, 2024)


The Academic Grievance/Grade Appeals Procedure is located in the Student Catalog under Academic Information