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Parking Regulations


VGCC may enforce traffic and parking regulations on campus under the provisions of North Carolina Statute 115D-21.

General Rules

  • Parking: Students must park in areas designated for student parking. They may not park in Faculty or Staff only parking.
  • Permit Stickers: All vehicles on campus must be registered and display the appropriate parking tag.
  • Parking Responsibility: The operator of any vehicle on the campus of the College shall comply with the legal instructions of any campus security officer and all traffic signs in accordance with the provision of these regulations. The responsibility of finding a legal parking space rests with the motor vehicle operator. Lack of space is not considered an excuse for violation of parking regulations.
  • Citations will be issued for violations of the College traffic and parking regulations.
  • Accountability: The person to whom a vehicle parking decal is issued shall be responsible for parking and traffic violations of the vehicle for which the permit is issued.
  • Penalty Fee for drivers not complying with parking and traffic violations have been established.
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3373