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WBL for Instructors

What are Faculty Coordinators?

Faculty Coordinators work directly with students who are interested or enrolled in a work-based learning (WBL) class. Both full-time and part-time instructors can serve as Faculty Coordinators, and work collaboratively to support the student and employer.

student, instructor, and employer going over paperwork for the WBL opportunity

Faculty Coordinator responsibilities include:

  • Determining if a student meets the program’s eligibility requirements
  • Approving the student’s Workplace Learning Application
  • Recommending employer worksites based on students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities
  • Reviewing Job Description
  • Conducting at least one employer visit before the semester ends
  • Reviewing the workbook and assigning a grade
  • Submitting paperwork in a timely manner and adhering to NCCCS regulations
  • Promoting the benefits of work-based learning/co-op to both students and employers.
M.A., Paralegal Certification
Department Chair, Public Service,Curriculum Work-Based Learning Coordinator / Interim Program Head for Human Services
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson