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Program Description

The Cosmetology curriculum is designed to provide competency-based knowledge, scientific/artistic principles and hands-on fundamentals associated with the cosmetology industry. The curriculum provides a simulated salon environment which enables students to develop manipulative skills.

Course work includes instruction in all phases of professional imaging, hair design, chemical processes, skin care, nail care, multi-cultural practices, business/computer principles, product knowledge and other selected

Graduates should qualify to sit for the North Carolina Board of Cosmetic Art Examiners. Upon successfully passing the State Board exam, graduates will be issued a license. Employment is available in beauty salons, and related businesses.

Virtual Tour of our Warren Campus Lab

Department Chair, Public Services and Program Head, Cosmetology
(252) 738-3620
Workforce Training

Program Details

Discover the specifics of our programs, including required courses, course sequence, pathways, and learning outcomes.

We also offer courses in Natural Hair Care and Manicure/Nail Technology through our Continuing Education department:

Natural Hair Care Requirements

Manicure Nail/Technology Requirements

  • Manicure Nail/Technology book – contact the VGCC Bookstore for pricing
  • Manicure Nail/Technology Kit – contact the VGCC Bookstore for pricing
  1. Students will have a basic understanding of infection control and be able to safely use disinfectants according to the guidelines of Universal Precautions.
  2. Students will have a basic understanding of and be able to demonstrate on live model or mannequin various methods of hair designs.
  3. Students will be able to demonstrate a basic knowledge of the hazards associated with the professional care of the hair, skin and nails.
  4. Students will understand basic chemical processes and be able to demonstrate proper procedures and applications including chemical texture services, lighteners and color.
  5. Students will have an understanding of and be able to demonstrate a basic haircut; determine the correct implements needed; follow proper safety and sanitation practices.
  6. Students will be able to communicate effectively with clientele as well as members of the public.