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Basic Law Enforcement Training

Academy 119

Basic Law Enforcement Training Academy 119 Flyer showing an image of last years Cadets. Important information is explained on the Website.

Important Dates

Online registration opens July 17, 2024 and closes December 2024.

Fall Class

Runs August through December

Spring Class

Runs January through May

Program Overview

BLET – 766 hours

Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) is designed to give students essential skills required for entry-level employment as law enforcement officers with state, county, or municipal governments, or with private enterprise.

This program utilizes State commission-mandated topics and methods of instruction. General subject include, but are not limited to, criminal, juvenile, civil, traffic, and alcoholic beverage laws; investigative, patrol, custody, and court procedures; emergency responses; and ethics and community relations.

BLET Admission Guidelines and Steps

Students are admitted to the Basic Law Enforcement Training program in accordance with policies set by Vance-Granville Community College and the North Carolina Department of Justice – Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and/or the North Carolina Department Justice – Sheriff’s Education and Training Standards Commission. Each applicant is required to meet the minimum admission requirements as set by the appropriate commission. Meeting minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program, only an opportunity for consideration.

Each step must be completed before proceeding to the next step.

The primary selection date will be two weeks prior to scheduled start date of course offering. Applications will continue to be processed only if the program has not reached its maximum capacity of twenty-four (24). Applicants are cautioned that Title 12, Chapter 9B .0203(b), of North Carolina Administrative Code states “The school shall give priority admission in accredited criminal justice training courses to individuals holding full-time employment with criminal justice agencies.”

Request official transcripts from all previous schools attended (high school, high school equivalency, and college transcripts).

Submit these transcripts to the Director of BLET with your completed forms from Step 4 below.

Schedule a CASAS Test by completing the CASAS Testing Request form. BLET Students ONLY need to take the English portion. Ms. Hargrove will inform the Director of Law Enforcement/BLET of scores.

  1. Complete and return to the Coordinator of Law Enforcement Training the Personal History Statement form F-3.
  2. Submit a certified copy of your criminal record from every jurisdiction that you have lived since age 16. You may obtain these from the Clerk of Superior Court of each county in North Carolina.
  3. Obtain sponsorship from a North Carolina public law enforcement agency. It is the applicant’s responsibility to secure sponsorship and submit the signed Letter of Sponsorship to the Coordinator of Law Enforcement Training. Applicants currently employed by a public law enforcement agency are not required to furnish a Letter of Sponsorship. There will be no exceptions to this sponsorship requirement other than those applicants that are already hired. Not all public law enforcement agencies will sponsor candidates in basic law enforcement training and we do not refer applicants to any specific agencies. Each agency that does sponsor applicants has its own requirements and limitations regarding whom they will sponsor for law enforcement training. Therefore, the applicant must seek sponsorship in the same manner one would seek a job.
  4. Provide proof of United States Citizenship. (ie. birth certificate, passport)
  5. Be 20 years of age upon completion of training
  6. Possess a valid North Carolina Driver’s license w/good driving record and provide the College with a certified copy.
  7. Possess a high school diploma or GED and provide the College with a certified copy
  8. Completion of a physical exam conducted within the Medical Screening Guidelines for the Certification of Criminal Justice Officers in the State of North Carolina, Implementation Manual. Signed release authorizing exposure to CS & CN gas. Release from a physician to participate in the Physical Fitness program and the Police Officers Physical Abilities Test. Forms F-1, F-2, and all release forms must be completed and submitted to the Coordinator of Law Enforcement Training/BLET.
  9. Completion of “Authorization for Release of Personal Information and Records for Law Enforcement Employment, and/or Certification, and/or Sponsorship” form.
  10. Uniforms will be ordered on pre-registration day.
  11. Books can be ordered from the NC Justice Academy. Make sure to make the bookstore aware of your start date so you get the right version.
  12. Boots and all miscellaneous supplies/equipment may be purchased at various locations. You do not have to purchase a specific boo style or brand, but it must be a standard black leather boot that can be polished/shined.
  13. Expect books, uniforms, and miscellaneous items to total approximately $1500.

This step will be completed by the BLET program director.

  • Assign Status
    • (a) Accepted
    • (b) Alternate (Those who qualify and are on the waiting list)
    • (c) Not Accepted (Those who do not qualify at this time)
  • Notify Cadet of Status

NOTE: Any applicant not admitted into the program would need to reapply for entry at next course offering if interested.

Special Concerns and Requirements

This process is time consuming, please allow time to gather needed information.

All Students Must:

  • Purchase and wear dress uniforms and physical fitness training uniforms as specified by the School Director of Basic Law Enforcement Training.
  • Provide all required student study books, law books, and materials
  • Furnish specific miscellaneous equipment for training (flashlight, whistle, duty belt keepers, ANSI rated eye protection, ANSI rated earmuff style hearing protectors, pistol cleaning kit, traffic collision investigation template, handcuff keys, groin protection, ear buds)
  • Provide any other miscellaneous equipment needed during course

Read more about Criminal Justice In-service Training.

Coordinator/Instructor, Law Enforcement Training
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3428
Director of BLET/LET
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3263