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Pharmacy Technology

Program Description

The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Pharmacy Technology Program (A45580) at Vance-Granville Community College seeks to provide qualified students with the skills necessary to fill the role of a Validating Technician as defined by the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy Rules, Statutes and Board Policies section 21 NCAC 46.1418. The program will also prepare Certified Technicians to assume the pharmacy technician role in specialty areas such as Medication Therapy Management, Medication Reconciliation, Inventory Management and Pharmacy Technician Administration.

The Pharmacy Technology Program curriculum prepares individuals to assist the pharmacist in duties that a technician can legally perform and to function within the boundaries prescribed by the pharmacist and the employment agency.

Graduates will maintain patients’ records; fill prescriptions; maintain inventories; set up, package, and label medication doses; prepare solutions and intravenous admixtures; and perform clerical duties, including insurance, billing, adjudication, and 3rd party reconciliation.

Graduates may be employed in hospitals, nursing homes, private and chain drug stores, research laboratories, wholesale drug companies, pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities and PBM call centers. Graduates will be prepared to take the National Certification Examination developed by the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board.

Upon program completion, graduates will be qualified to work as a Validation Technician as defined by the North Carolina Board of Pharmacy. section 21 NCAC 46.14178

Program Head, Pharmacy
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3482

Program Details

Vance Granville Community College Pharmacy Program has become an Advocate Educator through the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Educator Program. The pharmacy program is committed to helping students become a part of a qualified and skilled pharmacy technician workforce.

Vance-Granville Community College uses the top pharmacy management system, PioneerRx, to enhance the learning experience for students through hands-on simulations featuring the functions and workflow processes found in pharmacies today. Visit to learn more about PioneerRx’s cutting-edge software. See how PioneerRx measures up against other dispensing systems at Pharmacy Software

  1. Student will have knowledge of the concepts necessary to practice as a pharmacy technician in any practice setting
  2. Students will demonstrate proper technique in the preparation and dispensing of sterile and non-sterile compounded products following industry standard guidelines.
  3. The program will also prepare Certified Technicians to assume the pharmacy technician role in pharmacy specialty areas such as Medication Therapy Management, Medication Reconciliation, Inventory Management and Pharmacy Technician Administration.

For more information please call Counseling Services at 252-738-3328.

**Vance Granville Community College Pharmacy Program has become an Advocate Educator through the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Educator Program. The pharmacy program is committed to helping students become a part of a qualified and skilled pharmacy technician workforce.**

Policies Regarding PHM Admission with Advanced Standing

The general admission requirements of the College and of the PHM program apply to persons seeking admission into the PHM program with advanced standing.  Those applying for advanced standing must have current or recent work experience in a pharmacy setting as well as hold a current national pharmacy technician credential as a CPhT.  Credit may be granted for the following courses, dependent on the work history and/or combination of credentials:

PHM 132 , PHM 134 , PHM 140 , PHM 165 

Students will be awarded a grade of “T”: and credit hours for the courses are awarded.  No quality points are awarded and the grade is not included in the grade point average.

Transfer Credit for Pharmacy Technology Courses

The decision regarding transfer credit for PHM courses is made by the Program Director and the Associate Dean of Health, Wellness, and Public Safety. Syllabi for courses for which credit is requested will be required.PHM students satisfying the requirements for Advanced Standing will be admitted to the Pharmacy diploma program.  Students admitted to the challenge option must complete at least 9 credit hours of the required courses in the PHM diploma program at Vance Granville Community College.

Challenge Examinations for PHM Courses

Students with current or recent work experience in a pharmacy setting and holding a national pharmacy technician credential as a CPhT, may receive credit for specific PHM courses.  Students with work experience may be eligible to take a challenge exam for PHM courses and should contact their advisor.

Technical Standards

In addition to VGCC requirements and course objectives, there are professional standards that encompass communication, motor skills, sensory and cognitive ability and professional conduct that are essential for the competent study and practice of pharmacy technology. Technical standards are published in the application for admission to health programs and the program student handbook and/or available from program faculty.

Pharmacy Technology Technical Standards (pdf)

Students enrolled in pre-approved continuing education training courses may request awarded credit in corresponding curriculum programs. They must first register, pay, and pass the continuing education course with a grade of satisfactory. In order to request awarded credit, the student must be enrolled in the corresponding curriculum program.

The credit will be awarded by the appropriate department with a grade of “PR”, Credit for Prior Learning. The credit hours of the course will count toward graduation at VGCC but may not transfer to other colleges or universities.

For a more comprehensive list of Continuing Education courses and their corresponding curriculum programs, please visit Approved CE to CU Prior Learning Credits.

Approved Prior Learning Equivalencies

CE Course Taken Equivalent CU Course Credit Hours Awarded Effective Date
PHM -3250C Intro. To Pharmacy Technology, 4.8 CEUs PHM-110 Intro. To Pharmacy Technology 3 October 21, 2021
PHM-3250 D Pharmacy Tech. Lab 1, 9.6 CEUs PHM-111 Pharmacy Practice 1 4 October 21, 2021
PHM-3250 E Pharmacy Tech Math, 6.4 CEUs PHM-115/PHM-115A Pharmacy Calculations 4 October 21, 2021