Home News Archives VGCC to hold free workshop for “Plus 50” adults at Warren County Armory

VGCC to hold free workshop for “Plus 50” adults at Warren County Armory

In partnership with the Warren County Senior Center, Vance-Granville Community College is hosting a free workshop/breakfast, entitled “Time for a Change,” for students and community members age 50 and over on Thursday, October 15, from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m., at the Warren County Armory Civic Center in Warrenton.

The featured presenter is Anita Hicks, a peak performance strategist, corporate/business trainer and motivational speaker. She will discuss the benefits of returning to school as a “Plus 50” student and being a lifelong learner. A Vance County native, Hicks is the President of AHU Business Training Solutions and a highly sought-after speaker, entrepreneur coach, and host of a weekly motivational program with Les Brown. She has a B.A. degree in Business, ten years of business experience with IBM Corporation and 20 years of sales experience as a successful realtor.

Participants in the workshop will also have opportunities to network and learn about the college’s curriculum and continuing education programs.

There is no charge for attending the workshop/breakfast, but registration in advance is required. Participants can register online at www.vgcc.edu/time . The deadline to register is Oct. 14.

This event is made possible through VGCC’s Plus 50 Encore Completion Grant from the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). The grant is part of a national effort to train 10,000 baby boomers for new jobs in health care, education and social services. The Plus 50 Encore Completion Program is funded with a $3.2 million grant to AACC provided by Deerbrook Charitable Trust.

For more information, contact Kyle Burwell at (252) 738-3276 or burwellk@vgcc.edu or Suzanne Keil at (252) 738-3344 or keils@vgcc.edu .


Above: Anita Hicks, seen here speaking at an event at VGCC. (VGCC photo)