Home News Archives Education VGCC students donate books to local elementary school

VGCC students donate books to local elementary school

The Student North Carolina Association of Educators (SNCAE) chapter at Vance-Granville Community College held a children’s book drive during the month of December. The club placed donation boxes at all four VGCC campuses. Megan Sullivan of Oxford, a member of the club majoring in School-Age Education as well as a VGCC student ambassador, spearheaded the drive. The books that were collected were recently delivered to Dabney Elementary School in Henderson. Pictured above, from left: Dabney Elementary School media assistant Wanda Ellington, principal Dr. Michael Putney, and media specialist Annette Gooch receive the donations from Megan Sullivan on behalf of the club.


Student North Carolina Association of Educators is a pre-professional organization for college students who are preparing for careers in education, with chapters at colleges and universities across the state. SNCAE is a division of the larger North Carolina Association of Educators, the leading professional organization for educators in North Carolina. VGCC students in education, early childhood or college transfer courses are eligible to join the chapter. The club is advised by School-Age Education program head/instructor Jacquelin Heath , who has 27 years of service as an advisor.