Home News Archives Technology VGCC Offers Wide Range Of Summer Computer Classes

VGCC Offers Wide Range Of Summer Computer Classes

Summer term curriculum classes have begun at Vance-Granville Community College, but there are numerous opportunities for people in Vance, Granville, Franklin and Warren counties to take a variety of computer classes.

The Occupational Extension Computer Center offers new classes each month, and there are a wide variety of offerings set to begin in June, July and August, according to Ann Behar, coordinator of the Computer Extension Program.

“We offer the full Microsoft Office suite of classes in the day and evenings at our main campus in Vance County, and at the satellite campuses in Granville and Franklin counties,” Behar said. “Microsoft Word and Excel are also offered at the Warren County Campus in Warrenton.”

In addition, about 100 classes are offered online, beginning June 16 and July 21, where students can take the classes in the comfort of their homes or in their offices.

Class schedules are available at all Vance-Granville Community College campuses, and they are posted on the VGCC website at www.vgcc.edu.

To receive a schedule by mail, call Ann Behar or Jennie Allen at (252) 492-2061.

 “Computer classes are offered for everyone,” Behar said. “There are classes for the beginner, to help them get started on using their computers, and there are numerous classes designed to help people gain certifications so that they can get new jobs or advance in their present positions.

Among the most popular courses offered are Introduction to Windows for beginners, Access for managing complex things like data lists and personal records, Fundamentals of Supervision and Management online, and a number of graphics and Internet classes.

“If people are unsure what would be the best class for them, I invite them to call me, and I’ll be happy to discuss their individual situations with them and direct them to the course that is right for them,” Behar added.