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VGCC No. 1 in State in Performance Of College Transfer Students

College Transfer program instructors and staff at Vance-Granville Community College could be waving pom-poms and chanting, “We’re Number 1.”

They certainly have reason to.

Latest performance figures released by the North Carolina Community College System show that students who transferred to universities in the University of North Carolina system from Vance-Granville’s College Transfer program ranked highest among the 58 North Carolina community colleges in performance after two semesters of university study during the 2003-2004 school year.

Ninety-four percent of the College Transfer students who earned Associate Degrees or completed at least 24 hours of College Transfer courses at Vance-Granville had a 2.0 GPA after two semesters of university work. This figure compares favorably to 86.8 percent of “native” university students who had maintained a 2.0 GPA at the end of their sophomore or junior years.

Each year, the Community College System rates all the 58 schools in the system against a set of performance measures. This was the fourth year in a row that Vance-Granville Community College met the state standard for performance by College Transfers students, but the first time VGCC ranked first in the state.

The annual evaluation is called the Critical Success Factors Report. It rates community colleges on how they perform in 12 standards. Vance-Granville met or surpassed 10 of the 12 standards and received a “Superior” rank for the fourth straight year.

VGCC President Randy Parker said he was thrilled by the college again attaining a Superior rating and that he was especially elated at the performance of College Transfer students. “To be ranked first among the state’s community colleges is an outstanding achievement,” he said. “This is positive proof of how well the instructors in our College Transfer program prepare their students for matriculation into the state university system. We continually learn of how successful our students are when they transfer to state universities, and this report is documented justification for our pride in this program.”

Dr. John Beck is Dean of the General College and College Transfer program at VGCC. He praised his instructional staff for their achievement and said, “Quality, effort and professionalism do matter. Thanks for everything you do.”