Home News Archives Technology VGCC Library adds iPads for students

VGCC Library adds iPads for students

The Vance-Granville Community College Library is providing yet another technological resource for students. The Library now has 20 iPads that are available for students in any curriculum program to use inside the library on Main Campus.


To use an iPad, a student must bring his or her student ID (which also acts as a library card) to the circulation desk. The student will then check out the tablet device for two hours, which may be renewed, depending on demand. Students will not be allowed to take the iPad outside the library.


Each iPad features useful apps such as Moodle Mobile, BiblioBoard, EasyBib (which helps students with citations for research papers), Evernote, Photoshop Express, Google Drive, Google Earth, Dropbox, Khan Academy, Facebook, Twitter, and the college’s own “ VGCC Mobile ,” plus the standard apps that are pre-loaded on all iPads. The devices have wireless access to the campus network.


College staff put each iPad through a maintenance process called “reimaging” after each in-library checkout. This ensures that the iPad will be in peak performance for the next student and will not contain old information from the previous users.


“This new initiative is just one example of how Vance-Granville seeks to enhance the student experience by providing opportunities to access various types of information technology,” said Dr. Ken Lewis, VGCC’s vice president of institutional research and technology. “We believe that the iPad is an excellent tool for students to use for research, discovery and innovation.”


Above: VGCC students (from left) David Glover and Matt Tatum try out the iPads in the VGCC library . (VGCC photo)