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Recipients Must Attend Scholarship Ceremony

The annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony will be held at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 24, in the Civic Center.

Each year, individual donors and representatives of companies and organizations that have established scholarships at VGCC come to the college to award them to the students selected for their grants.

A list of students receiving scholarships this year will be sent to faculty by Monday, Sept. 22. President Miller asks that each faculty member check the list for the names of students in their classes and excuse the students at 10 a.m. on Sept. 24 for rehearsal, 11 a.m. for the ceremony and at noon for the luncheon with donors.

President Miller stresses that it is important for students to show their appreciation for the scholarship support shown by the community by participating in the ceremony. He urges faculty to excuse students from class, inform them that attendance is mandatory and work with them to make up any assignments they may miss by attending.

Staff and faculty are asked to carpool to work as best as possible on the day of the Scholarship Awards Ceremony. While our parking situation has improved significantly since last year’s ceremony, space will be limited on Wednesday, Sept. 24, because of the number of guests coming for the ceremony.