Home News Archives Arts & Humanities Portrait Painting Class Returns To VGCC

Portrait Painting Class Returns To VGCC

Leslie Hall Johnson of Oxford has been teaching portrait painting at Vance-Granville Community College about eight years. During that time she has found people reluctant, at first, to try the skill.

“Portrait painting is not easy, but those who work at it find they can do it, they find it very rewarding, and they don’t want to stop,” Johnson said. Her students fill the VGCC classroom with portraits of spouses, children, grandchildren and others.

Johnson will begin a new class, one not included in schedules published by the school, on March 6. The class will run each Tuesday for 10 weeks, from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., in Room 5230 on VGCC’s main campus.

Persons interested in joining this class may pre-register by calling the VGCC Continuing Education Department at 492-2061, ext. 3316, or they may register during the first class March 6. Cost of the class is $37.50.

Johnson said potential participants may call her at 693-7432 for information on art supplies they will need for the class.


In the photo above, Leslie Johnson, who will teach a portrait painting class at Vance-Granville Community College beginning March 6, recently completed this portrait of her grandchildren, Sarah Ward, 4, and Will Ward, 5. Participants in Johnson’s class will learn to paint their children, grandchildren and spouses, too.