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Annual Career Day Scheduled In Civic Center

VGCC’S 24th Annual Career Day is scheduled Wednesday, April 3, at 9 a.m. in the Civic Center, Barbara Smith, Career Center coordinator, announced.

The event is held each year to provide students an opportunity to meet with area business/industry representatives and learn about career opportunities in Vance and surrounding counties. Students also will be able to actively seek employment and to receive information about the various companies who participate in the program.<

Following the get-acquainted and information-sharing session, an Interview Session is slated from 1 – 3:30 p.m.  for students who plan to graduate this year.

Potential graduates can pick up applications to register starting on Friday, Feb. 1, and are asked to complete the application with all necessary corrections by the deadline date of March 15.

The application process involves students’ obtaining an updated copy of their transcript, preparing a professional resume, signing a release statement, and filling out needed personal data forms.

Non-graduating students also are invited to participate in Career Day. They, too, should have several copies of their resumes available for prospective employers.  If needed, students can receive assistance with their resumes from Career Center personnel.

Smith pointed out that all job-seeking students, no matter when their graduation date, should dress professionally for the Career Day program.

She added that Career Day fliers would be available to faculty members to post in their classrooms by Jan.  17. Persons having questions may contact Smith or Deborah Sullivan at extensions 326 or 360, or by e-mail.