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Vance-Granville to hold Regional Workforce Conference


Vance-Granville Community College is inviting the region’s employers and business leaders to learn more about important workforce issues, at an event called “Business/Industry Connect 2022: Imagine the Future of Work.”

This workforce conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 20, from 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the VGCC Civic Center on the College’s Main Campus in Vance County. The event is free of charge and includes lunch.

College officials hope that the event can help businesses create innovative programs for attracting talent, understand the neuroscience behind successful hiring, institute highly motivating onboarding programs, and develop a company culture that energizes coworkers, unlocks their potential and leads to higher retention rates. These are timely topics, as many organizations are having difficulty finding and keeping skilled workers.

Featured Speakers

Two special guests will help facilitate the conference: Phil Dixon and Bryan W. Mattimore.

Dixon graduated from Warwick University with a degree in Computer Science. His career in the Information Technology field included a stint with Apple, before he started his own consulting firm. In 2010, he earned a master’s degree in Consulting and Coaching for Change in England at a program run jointly by HEC Paris and Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford. He found his life’s passion in studying neuroscience and the brain. Today a resident of Oxford, N.C., Dixon has published several articles and books about the brain. He is a frequent and international speaker on the topic of brain-based leadership.

Mattimore is Cofounder and “Chief Idea Guy” of the Growth Engine Company, based in Connecticut. In his business consulting career, Mattimore has given over 100 keynotes, facilitated over a thousand brainstorming sessions, and managed 200 successful innovation projects, leading to over three billion dollars in new sales annually for one-third of the Fortune 100 companies. He is also a Senior Fellow with The Conference Board, an innovation and marketing instructor for Caltech in their Executive Education Department, and the author of several books. His new book, “Islands of Invention, How to Create Extraordinary Innovation Centers,” co-authored with McKinsey consultant Claus Raasted, is set to be published later this year.

About Business/Industry Connect 2022

“We look forward to this opportunity for the local business and economic development community to gather, learn and collaborate on ways to not only find new team members, but also to develop and engage the employees they already have,” said VGCC Grants Administrator Ken Wilson, who is coordinating the conference. “VGCC and our partners in education and workforce development are here to help local organizations successfully hire and train their talent.”

To register, visit For more information, contact Ken Wilson at [email protected].

Top down view of a conference table with a business meeting in progress