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Education Department Fall 2019 Meet & Greet and Info Session


Come join us! Meet the NCCU Rep and VGCC faculty along with representatives from Franklin-Granville-Vance Smart Start, find out more about the possibilities within the Education profession, and prepare to register for your Spring 2020 classes!

Saturday, November 2, 2019
10am -1:30pm
RSVP by October 30

In addition to preparing for registration, this meet-&-greet session will also include having representatives here from North Carolina Central University (NCCU) who will hold an information session regarding our new Eagle Voyage program that began being offered on Main Campus, Fall of 2017! A question you may be asking yourself is “What is Eagle Voyage?” Eagle Voyage is a partnership between NCCU and VGCC that will allow you to earn your bachelor’s degree from NCCU with the convenience of taking your classes on VGCC’s Main Campus. This is a great opportunity we are offering to students, so please take advantage.

New this year is our collaboration with some area Early Childhood employers. We will have several childcare center directors in attendance that will share information about their program and possibly even hold on-the-spot quick interviews. This means you’ll want to dress in a professional manner, and you may even want to have your resume handy.

Open to past, current, and future students of Vance-Granville Community College’s Education program.

Current students: Please bring a copy of your transcript from WebAdvisor. Please remember that at the designated time, students are responsible for registering courses into WebAdvisor.

Spring 2020 Practicum Students

If you plan to take practicum during the Spring 2020 semester, you are encouraged (strongly) to attend this session. Practicum packets will be disbursed and reviewed during this meeting. Otherwise Spring 2020 practicum students will receive packets after the official registration period is over. If you are planning to attend, please respond using the SurveyMonkey link above. [Registration closed]

Please note that if you are planning to attend, it will be necessary for you to complete the survey by October 30, 2019 so that advisors are prepared with the appropriate amount of materials.

VGCC Early Childhood student working in a classroom with very young children in