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Winners in the annual hair styling competition among cosmetology students at Vance-Granville Community College on March 29 show off their winning hairdos. All the stylists, standing, and models, seated, are VGCC students. Left to right: Thelma Bullock of Henderson, stylist, and model Amanda Alston of Townsville, both students at VGCC’s main campus, third place; Rashida Clark of Ridgeway, stylist, and model Sonya Drumgo of Manson, both students at VGCC’s Warren County Campus, first place; and Raniesha Brown, stylist, and Kenya Foster, both of Vance County, juniors at Southern Vance High School, second place. Twenty-eight students representing all four VGCC campuses as well as the program at SVHS competed at the new Franklin County Campus.