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Residential Foundations & Framing

man using a drill on framed house walls

Program Description

This Carpentry curriculum is designed to train students to construct residential structures using standard building materials and hand and power tools. Carpentry skills and a general knowledge of residential construction will also be taught.

Course work includes: footings and foundations, framing, interior and exterior trim, cabinetry, blueprint reading, residential planning and estimating and other related topics. Students will develop skills through hands-on participation.

Graduates should qualify for employment in the residential building construction field as rough carpenters, framing carpenters, roofers, maintenance carpenters and other related job titles.

Diploma, A.G.E.
Program Head of Construction Technologies
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
(252) 738-3214
Program Name Credit Hours Program Type
Carpentry Diploma 69-70
Workforce Training

Program Details

Discover the specifics of our programs, including required courses, course sequence, pathways, and learning outcomes.

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate safe and proper use of tools.
  2. Students will be able to demonstrate the toll to task techniques
  3. Students will be able to estimate job cost.
  4. Students will be able to demonstrate how to set up a site for construction.