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Health Unit Coordinator

Course Description

This online course is designed to teach the skills and applications in today’s health unit environment. Students will perform data entry and learn to maintain records, reports and charts. Medical law and ethics will be presented.

Online Course Information

In order to complete this online course, student will need access to a computer and internet. If assistance is needed, please contact the Director (see contact information).


$180 + fees and textbook

Textbook Information

Title: LaFleur Brooks’ Health Unit Coordinating, 7th Edition
ISBN: 9781455707201
Copyright: 2014
Cost: $89 (approx.)
Textbook can be purchased at the VGCC Bookstores on the Main Campus or online at the VGCC Bookstore website .

Director, Occupational Extension
MAIN CAMPUS - Henderson
7101 B
(252) 738-3276